Rebellion Native Americans: 1674 - 1907     
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spacer Timelines > Native American events related to the Black Seminoles

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Date Event Trail Link
1674 British lead slave raids on Spanish mission-based Indians spacer
1713 Spain invites Lower Creeks to Florida spacer
1714-16 Yamassee War takes place in Carolina spacer
1720 ca Fugitive blacks found living with Creeks in Florida spacer
1728 British enlist Creeks and Cherokees to recover slaves spacer
1763-84 Seminole country becomes destination for black runaways spacer
1771 British agent first meets "Seminolies" spacer
1776-83 British enlist Seminole Indians as allies spacer
1778 More Indian bands arrive in Florida spacer
1785 King Payne becomes head of Alachua Seminoles spacer
1787 Continental Congress tries to recover Florida slaves spacer
1790 Treaty of New York signed with Creeks spacer
1804 Osceola born spacer
1812-13 Patriot War fails to seize Florida for U.S. spacer
1813 Seminoles settle on Suwannee River spacer
1814 Battle of Horseshoe Bend ends Creek War spacer
1814 Mikasuki Red Stick refugees enter Florida spacer
1816 U.S. blows up Negro Fort spacer
1817 1st Seminole War officially begins spacer
1818 Jackson drives blacks and Indians from Suwannee spacer
1821 U.S. Agent visits Seminoles spacer
1823 Treaty of Moultrie Creek isolates Seminole lands spacer
1826 Seminole delegation visits Washington D.C. spacer
1829 Andrew Jackson becomes President spacer
1830 Indian Removal Act passes spacer
1832 Treaty of Payne's Landing initiates removal crisis spacer
1834 Osceola leads opposition to removal spacer
1835 2nd Seminole War begins spacer
1837 Battle of Okeechobee spacer
1838 U.S. rejects Jesup's peace plan for Seminoles spacer
1838-42 Seminole holdouts never surrender, remain in Florida spacer
1840 Zachary Taylor uses bloodhounds on Seminoles spacer
1841 Coacoochee surrenders spacer
1842 Second Seminole War ends spacer
1842 Creeks claim Seminole lands out west spacer
1844 Creeks try to kidnap Black Seminoles in the Indian Territory spacer
1844 Coacoochee leads delegation to Washington spacer
1845 Jesup brings Seminole case before President spacer
1845 New treaty keeps Seminoles under Creek jurisdiction spacer
1846-49 Coacoochee envisions confederation out west spacer
1849 Micanopy dies spacer
1849 Seminole allies under Coacoochee flee to Mexico spacer
1850-51 Comanches attack Black Seminole parties spacer
1851-54 Seminole allies protect Mexico from Apaches & Comanches spacer
1855 Third Seminole War takes place in Florida spacer
1856 Seminoles become a separate nation from Creeks spacer
1857 Coacoochee dies in smallpox epidemic spacerspacer
1859 Seminole Indians in Mexico return to Indian Territory spacerspacer
1861 Seminoles of Oklahoma work with Confederacy spacer
1873 Scouts aid Mackenzie raid on Kickapoos spacerspacer
1873-81 Scouts help pacify West Texas frontier spacer
1874 Scouts aid Red River War with Comanches spacer
1881 Scouts lead last major Indian raid in Texas history spacer
1881 Texans lionize Lt. Bullis spacerspacer
1907 Seminole rolls close spacer
Black Seminoles, general
Black Seminoles, detailed 
John Horse's life
U.S. events
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African Americans
Slave uprisings
Native Americans
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