Star of the Nation   
The war had never been popular with officers. In February, Jesup's senior staff recommended that he end the conflict with a truce, granting the Seminole Indians a reservation in
southern Florida. Jesup agreed. Directly, he sent a remarkable letter to Secretary of War Joel Poinsett suggesting an end to hostilities:
"As a soldier it is my duty, I am aware, not to comment upon the policy of the government, but to carry it out …. I have endeavored faithfully to do so; but the prospect of terminating the war, in any reasonable time is anything but flattering. My decided opinion is, that unless immediate emigration be abandoned, the war will continue for years to come, and at constantly accumulating expense."
Within days he sent a second letter, elaborating his position more bluntly:"To persevere in the course we have been pursuing for three years past would be a reckless waste of blood and treasure...."
Sprague Origin 198-201, Kieffer 205.
Part 2, War: l |