By November 1850, most of the Black Seminoles who would make it to Mexico had
already arrived and were living on temporary lands at the headwaters of Rio San
Rodrigo. According to Black Seminole oral traditions, a few scattered parties
would arrive over the coming years. Refugees from Texas slavery would also join
the Black Seminole ranks, but never in large numbers. Coacoochee’s confederation
peaked in size in late 1850 with about 300 Kickapoos, 200 Seminole Indians, and
200 Black Seminoles.
Los mascogos, as the Mexicans called the blacks, had already served their new
government successfully in punitive raids on Apache and Comanche bands. Many
more raids would follow—three decades of blood, as the Black Seminoles found
themselves delicately situated on a border between warring nations and hostile
Porter Black 138, Mulroy 65.
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