Fort Smith Herald report on Coacoochee's 1850 visit to Indian
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Coacoochee’s visit to the Indian Territory attracted attention from
newspapers throughout the region, as in this report from the Fort Smith Herald
of October 11, 1850:
It appears that the return of Wild Cat to the Seminole country has produced a
great deal of excitement in the Creek Nation. Five or six hundred Creeks started
off a few days ago from the Creek Nation to arrest him, but from some cause they
turned back when within forty miles of him. He has free intercourse with all the
roving bands of the prairies, and wields a powerful influence wherever he goes.
He is a proud ambitious fellow, and prides himself on his cunning and sagacity.
What his present visit will amount to we shall soon find out.
Fort Smith Herald, October 11, 1850, as cited in Foreman
Five 264. ©
Part 4, Freedom: l |