Rebellion October 27, 1837     
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Arrest of Osceola
Engraving depicting General Hernandez seizing Osceola as a prisoner, 1837. Florida Photographic Collection.
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General Hernandez ran through a series of questions prepared by Jesup. Surgeon Nathan Jarvis recorded the scene:

"General: Are you ready to give up all the property you have captured?

"Coa Hadjo: We intend to do so now ....

"General: Why have you not given up the negroes before as Coahajo promised at Ft. King?"*

Osceola offered no answer. Hernandez then informed the Seminoles that they were his prisoners. The Indians protested. They understood that they would be free to leave. At this, Hernandez gave the signal. His soldiers withdrew their arms and immediately surrounded the enemy. The outnumbered Seminoles surrendered without a fight. At a stroke, the U.S. had captured the leading war-spirits of the nation.

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Sources: Sprague Origin 174, Jarvis "Diary" 6-9, Motte 138-39, ASPMA 7: 886. ©
Part 2, War: Outline  l  Images

*Mahon 215 includes a longer excerpt from the dialogue. For the complete exchange as Jarvis recorded it, see the Jarvis "Diary" 6-9.

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 Trail Narrative
 + Prologue
 + Background: 1693-1812
 + Early Years: 1812-1832
 - War: 1832-1838
+ Prelude to War
+ Revenge
+ Deceit
spacer spacer General Jesup
Jesup's Tactics
The Diplomat
White Flags
+ Liberty or Death
 + Exile: 1838-1850
 + Freedom: 1850-1882
 + Legacy & Conclusion