Rebellion January 22, 1836     
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General Winfield Scott
General Winfield Scott, daguerreotype created by Matthew Brady's studio circa 1849, a decade after Scott's service in the Florida war. The punctilious general was sometimes known as "Old Fuss and Feathers." Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division, LC-USZC4-6712.
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Winfield Scott was given command of the Florida forces. In 1835, Scott was probably the country's most illustrious general, after the President himself. Known to posterity as "Old Fuss and Feathers," the 50-year-old general was famous for his fastidious, sometimes maniacal attention to military protocol. He had just authored the Army textbook on infantry tactics, which he translated from the French. If anything, his style was too French. Scott arrived in Florida with "marquees of furniture," wine, and luxury goods. On his first campaign, he commanded his band to play during mealtime to inspire the troops. The music drew enemy fire, killing two soldiers.

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Sources: Mahon 138-40, Bemrose 78, 88-9. ©
Part 2, War: Outline  l  Images
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 Trail Narrative
 + Prologue
 + Background: 1693-1812
 + Early Years: 1812-1832
 - War: 1832-1838
+ Prelude to War
+ Revenge
spacer spacer War Erupts
Key Actors
Slave Uprising
Army Response
National Mood
Seminole Success
+ Deceit
+ Liberty or Death
 + Exile: 1838-1850
 + Freedom: 1850-1882
 + Legacy & Conclusion