Rebellion January - May 1836     
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Eleven generals of the Second Seminole War

Eleven commanding generals of the Second Seminole War, clockwise from top left, in chronological order: Duncan Clinch, Joseph Hernandez, Winfield Scott, Edmund Pendleton Gaines, Abraham Eustis, Richard Keith Call, Thomas Sydney Jesup, Zachary Taylor, William S. Harney, Walker K. Armistead, and in the center, William Jenkins Worth, who ended the war (below) and Andrew Jackson, the president who started it (above).
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Throughout the war's first stages, the U.S. failed to win a single engagement. President Jackson was apoplectic, especially on the failure to capture the Seminole women: "Why it is that their deposit for women have not been found I cannot conjecture." If Scott had only followed his strategy recommendations, said the President, he would have put an end to the war in thirty days. The conflict, he wrote, was "humiliating to our military character."

The war tarnished the reputations of all its commanders, including five generals in the first year alone. After a second catastrophe on the Withlacoochee, Scott and Gaines were called before a court of inquiry in Washington. Though the generals were cleared of wrongdoing, Scott was relieved of the Florida command.

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Sources: Remini 3: 310-11, Jackson V 512, Hitchcock 110-13. ©
Part 2, War: Outline  l  Images
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 Trail Narrative
 + Prologue
 + Background: 1693-1812
 + Early Years: 1812-1832
 - War: 1832-1838
+ Prelude to War
+ Revenge
spacer spacer War Erupts
Key Actors
Slave Uprising
Army Response
National Mood
Seminole Success
+ Deceit
+ Liberty or Death
 + Exile: 1838-1850
 + Freedom: 1850-1882
 + Legacy & Conclusion