Fort Clark
The pay of the scouts was barely sufficient to feed their
families, let alone the extended community whom the scouts
tried to support. Elderly Black Seminoles, like John Horse’s
sister Juana, were often destitute.
Throughout the period, officers at Fort Clark tried to
alleviate the poverty of the maroons. They frequently
petitioned the government for rations, which were dispensed
erratically, usually on the initiative of local officers
without government approval. With equal urgency, officers
sent and endorsed a series of formal requests to relocate the
maroons to the Oklahoma Indian Territory. Such a move was
seen “as a last hope,” General Philip Sheridan wrote the
U.S. Adjutant General in 1875, “that some action will be
taken to meet the wants of a deserving people whose service
has been and can still be made so valuable to the
Sources: Sheridan, June 4, 1875, endorsement of letter from J.L. Bullis to
the Adjutant General, as cited in Mulroy 146.
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