Excerpt from Jesup's letter to the Secretary of War and President Tyler
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From Jesup's May 22, 1844 letter to the Secretary of War:
"The Seminoles are here as supplicants for justice. They ask to be put in possession of the territory secured to them by the Supreme law of the land; and they cannot believe that the government of a great and magnanimous people will refuse them the justice to which they are entitled. As the Commander of the Army in Florida I assured them in good faith, that the country set apart by the treaty was ready for their reception. I consider it due to my honour, as well as that of the Country, most respectfully but earnestly to urge upon the government the prompt fulfillment of the treaty by placing these unfortunate people at once in possession of their lands."
Kieffer 232-33. ©
Part 3, Exile: l |