Conventional scholarly wisdom on American slave revolts
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Note: For much more detail on this topic, with
analysis of key scholarly citations, see
Examples and analysis of oversight and misinterpretation of
the Black Seminole slave rebellion, from major scholarly
works on U.S. slavery.
For examples of the conventional wisdom on the absence of
slave revolts in the U.S. after 1832, and the absence of
effective slave revolts throughout U.S. history, see
Freehling 77, 95, Elkins 136ff, 220-22, Stamp 134, 136,
139-49. See Genovese 18, 76 for references to the Black
Seminoles as maroon warriors, without connection to slave
insurrection. Elkins 220-22 is especially notable for his
claim that after 1831, southern fears of slave insurrection
were irrational. Those fears in fact appear much more
rational in light of a truer understanding of the Second
Seminole War.
Genovese and others have argued that the Black Seminoles who
fought in the Second Seminole War were maroons, not slaves
in revolt; there is a case to be made here, but overlooks
the fact that the Black Seminoles were threatened with
classification as chattel slaves from 1835-1848 and, in
1848, ingloriously accorded that legal status, a point which
at least opens speculation that their fight for liberty be
classified as a slave rebellion. Regardless of one’s
conclusions on these semantic issues, however, the Black
Seminoles undoubtedly inspired the largest rebellion of
plantation slaves in U.S. history, as documented in the
essay accompanying this site. The facts of this rebellion
remained unknown to Stamp, Elkins, Freehling and countless
other scholars when they advanced explanations for the lack
of revolts after 1831 and, in Elkin’s case, the “irrational
nature” of southern fears of rebellion in the post-Nat
Turner era.
Freehling 77, 95, Elkins 136ff, 220-22, Stamp 134, 136,
139-49, Genovese 18, 76. ©
Part 4, Freedom: l |