Atlantic Monthly review of Exiles, September 1858
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Below is the complete text of the four-page review of The
Exiles of Florida that ran in the September 1858 issue of
The Atlantic Monthly. The author is anonymous.
The Exiles of Florida: or the Crimes committed by our
Government against the Maroons, who fled from South Carolina
and other Slave States, seeking Protection under Spanish
Columbus, Ohio: Follett, Foster, & Co. 1858.
A CRUEL story this, Mr. Giddings tells us. Too cruel, hut
too true. It is full of pathetic and tragic interest, and
melts and stirs the heart at once with pity for the sufferers, and
with anger, that sins not, at their mean and ruthless
oppressors. Every American citizen should read it; for it is
an indictment which recites crimes which have been committed
in his name, perpetrated by troops and officials in his
service, and all done at his expense. The whole nation is
responsible at the bar of the world and before the tribunal
of posterity for these atrocities, devised by members of its
Cabinet and its Congress, directed by its Presidents, and
executed by its armies and its courts. The cruelties of Alva
in the Netherlands, which make the pen of Motley glow as
with fire as he tells them, the dragonnades which scorched
over the fairest regions of France after the Hevocation of
the Edict of Nantes, have a certain excuse, as being
instigated by a sincere, though misguided religious zeal.
For Philip II. and Louis XIV. had, at least, a fanatical
belief that they were doing God service by those holocausts
of his children; while no motive inspired these massacres,
tortures, and banishments, but the most sordid rapacity and
avarice, the lowest and basest passions of the human breast.
And so carefully has the truth of this story been covered up
with lies, that, probably, very few indeed of the people of
the Free States have any just idea of the origin, character,
and purposes of the Seminole Wars, or of the character of
the race against which they were waged. And yet there is no
episode in American history more full of romantic interest,
of heroic truggles, and of moving griefs. We have been
taught to believe that these wars were provoked by
incursions of the savages of Florida on the frontier, and,
if the truth could not be concealed, that an incidental
motive of our war of extermination against them was to be
found in the sanctuary which the fugitive slaves of the
neighboring States found in their fastnesses. The general
impression has been, that these were mainly runaways of
recent date, who had made their escape from contemporary
masters. Row many of our readers know that for more than
three quarters of a century before the purchase of Florida
there had been a nation of negroes established there,
enjoying the wild freedom they loved, mingling and gradually
becoming dentified with the Indians, who had made it their
city of refuge from slavery also For the slaveholders of
Carolina had no scruples against enslaving Indians any more
than Africans, until it was discovered that the untamable
nature of the red man made him an unprofitable and a
dangerous servant. These Indian slaves fled into the
wilderness, which is now the State of Georgia, pushing their
way even to the peninsula of Florida, and were followed, in
their flight and to their asylum, by many of their black companions in bondage. For near seventy-five
years this little nation lived happy and contented, till the
State of Georgia commenced the series of piratical
incursions into their country, then a Spanish dependency,
from which they were never afterwards free; the nation at
last taking up the slaveholders’ quarrel and prosecuting it
to the bitter and bloody end.
This whole story is told, and well told, by Mr. Giddings.
And a most touching picture it is. First, the original
evasion of the slaves into that peninsular wilderness, which
they reclaimed as far as the supply of their simple wants
demanded. They planted, they hunted, they multiplied their
cattle, they intermarried with their Indian friends and
allies, their children and their children’s children grew up
around them, knowing of slavery only by traditionary legend.
The original founders of the tribe passed away, and their
sons and grandsons possessed their cornfields and their
hunting-grounds in peace. For many years no fears disturbed
their security. Under the Spanish rule they were safe and
happy. Then comes the gradual gathering of the cloud on the
edges of their wilderness, its first fitful and irregular
flashes, till it closes over their heads and bursts upon
them in universal ruin and devastation. Their heroic
resistance to the invasion of the United States troops
follows, sublime from its very desperation. A more unequal
contest was never fought. On one side one of the mightiest
powers on earth, with endless stores of men and money at its
beck,—and on the other a handful of outcasts fighting for
their homes, and the liberties, in no metaphorical sense, of
themselves, their wives, and their children, and protracting
the fight for as many years as the American Revolution lasted.
Then succeeded the victory of Slavery, and the reduction to
hopeless bondage of multitudes who had been for generations
free, on claim of pretended descendants of imaginary owners,
by the decision of petty government-officials, without trial
or real examination. More than five hundred persons, some of
them recent fugitives, but mostly men born free, were thus
reduced to slavery at a cost to us all of forty millions of dollars,
or eighty thousand dollars for each recovered slave! Then
comes their removal to the Cherokee lands, west of Arkansas, under
the pledge of the faith of the nation, plighted by General
Jessup, its authorized agent, that they should be sent to
the West, and settled in a village separate from the
Seminole Indians, and that, in the mean time, they should be
protected, should not be separated, “nor any of them be sold
to white man or others.” This, however, was not a legitimate
issue of a war waged solely for the reduction of these
exiles to slavery; and so the doubts of President Polk as to
the construction of this treaty were solved by Mr. John Y.
Mason, of Virginia, who was sandwiched in between two
Free-State Attorney-Generals for this single piece of dirty
work, (of which transaction see a most curious account, pp.
328—9 of this book,) and who enlightened the Presidential
mind by the information, that, though the exiles were
entitled to their freedom, under the treaty, and had a right
to remain in the towns assigned to them, “the Executive
could not in any manner interfere to protect them!”
The bordering Creeks, who by long slave-holding had sunk to
the level of the whites around them, longed to seize on
these valuable neighbors, and, indeed, they claimed rights
of property in them as fugitives in fact from themselves.
The exiles were assured by the President that they “had the
right to remain in their villages, free from all
interference or interruption from the Greeks.” Trusting to
the plighted word of the Head of the Nation, they built
their huts and planted their ground, and began again their
little industries and enjoyments.
But the sight of so many able-bodied negroes, belonging only
to themselves, and setting an evil example to the slaves in
the spectacle of an independent colony of blacks, was too
tempting and too irritating to be resisted. A slave-dealer
appeared amongst the Creeks and offered to pay one hundred
dollars for every Floridian exile they would seize and
deliver to him,—he taking the risk of the title. Two hundred armed Creek
warriors made a foray into the colony and seized all they
could secure. They were repulsed, but carried their prisoners with them
and delivered them to the tempter, receiving the stipulated
pieces of silver for their reward. The Seminole agent had
the prisoners brought before the nearest Arkansas judge by
Habeas Corpus, and the whole matter was reviewed by this
infamous magistrate, who overruled the opinion of the
Attorney-General as to their right to reside in their
villages, overrode the decision of the President, repealed
the treaty-stipulations, pronounced the title of the Creek
Indians, and consequently that of their vendee, legal and
perfect, and directed the kidnapped captives to be delivered
up to the claimant! We regret that Mr. Giddings has omitted
the name of this wretch, and we hope that in a future
edition he will tell the world how to catalogue this choice
specimen in its collection of judicial monsters.
Then comes the last scene of this drama of exile. Finding
that there was no rest for the sole of their foot in the
United States, these peeled and hunted men resolved to turn their
backs upon the country that had thus cruelly entreated them,
and to seek a new home within the frontiers of Mexico. The
sad procession began its march westward by night, the
warriors keeping themselves always in readiness for an
attack. The Creeks, finding that their prey had escaped
them, went in pursuit, but were bravely repulsed and fled,
leaving their dead upon the fleld,—the greatest disgrace
that can befall, according to the code of Indian honor. The
exiles then pursued ‘their march into Mexico without further
molestation. There, in a fertile and picturesque region,
they have established themselves and resumed the pursuits of
peaceful life. But they have not been permitted to live in
peace even there. At least one marauding party, in 1853, was
organized in Texas, and went in search of adventures towards
the new settlement. Of the particulars of the expedition we
have no account. Only, it is known that it returned without
captives, and, as the Texan papers announcing the fact
admitted, “with slightly diminished numbers." How long they
will be permitted to dwell unmolested in their new homes no
one can say. Complaints are already abroad that the escape
of slaves is promoted by the existence of this colony, which
receives and protects them. And when the Government shall be
ordered by its Slave-holding Directory to add another
portion of Mexico to the Area of Freedom, these “outrages"
will be sure to be found in the catalogue of grievances to
be redressed. Then they will have to dislodge again and fly
yet farther from before the face of their hereditary
Mr. Giddings has done his task admirably well. It is worthy
to be the crowning work of his long life of public service.
His style is of that best kind which is never remarked upon,
but serves as a clear medium through which the events he
portrays are seen without distortion or exaggeration. He has
done his country one more service in entire consistency with
those that have filled up the whole course of his honorable
and beneficent life. We have said that this is fit to be the
crowning work of Mr. Giddings’s life; but we trust that it
is far from being the last that he will do for his country.
A winter such as rounds his days is fuller of life and promise than a century
of vulgar summers. He has won for himself an honorable and
enduring place in the hearts and memories of men by the
fidelity to principle and the unfaltering courage of his
public course. Of the ignoble hundreds who have flitted
through the Capitol, since he first took his place there,
“Heads without name, no more"—his is one of the two or
three that are household words on the lips of the nation.
And it will so remain and be familiar in the mouths of
posterity, with a fame as pure as it is noble. The ear that
bath not heard him shall bless him, and the eye that hath
not seen him shall give witness to him.
   
The Atlantic monthly 2: 11 (September 1858), 509-12. ©
Part 4, Freedom: l |